Friday, January 28, 2011


其实呢,每个人都知道母乳是有多么重要,对于一个新生儿来说,真的是一个无价之宝。但是,却不是每一位妈妈都愿意喂母乳的。原因:得罪说声 - 你们太注重你们的身材了。怕乳房下坠,变得不漂亮等等。。。说真的,我还真的看不起这样子的女人。太自私了!如果是因为母乳不足,那还可以被谅解。

小孩出生后,对他最好的食物就是母乳。因为母乳含有自然抗体,能够给于宝宝一个健康的身体。宝宝刚出世,体内没有抗体。是非常需要母乳的帮助来build up 一个好的系统。而且,也不会有过敏的问题。

我已有2个小孩了。一般来说,小孩在1岁前应该给他们喝母乳的。但是,我因为工作的关系啊,我只能够喂2个月的母乳。其实,如果工作环境允许,我也希望能够延长给我小孩喝母乳的时间。我并不是要推卸,但,真的事实就是不能, 唉!!!



那一种感觉,我是不会忘记的。那种感觉就是母亲与孩子之间的一种联系,是很温暖的。而且,是多么的纯真,你是不会在任何人身上得到。我会怀念这种被信任的感觉, 一个被小孩信任的感觉。


Friday, January 14, 2011




在日间,我开始让他慢慢体会到尿湿裤子的感觉,其实是不好受的。我会很像“长气婆”那样,时不时就问他要不要小便?要不要大便?哈哈!好啰嗦哦! 有时我也顶不顺我自己,那么的长气 .....哈哈哈! 每一次喝水或吃完饭后, 差不多时间啊, 我就会问他要不要上厕所 .. 如果他要, 我就会带他去坐那小马桶, 然后, 让他知道要坐马桶大小便.

晚上, 我就会在他临睡前,先叫他去小便。然后,才上床睡觉。一开始那几天,睡到半夜,我们就会叫他起床,带他会厕所小便。他很自然的小完便,就继续睡觉,一直到天亮。接下来,我就和他说:要小便就叫爸爸妈妈起床带你去。结果,他真的会叫我们起床带他去厕所。不过,他有时还是会尿在裤子啦!但是,我们并没有责骂他。只是和他说:下次不要尿在裤子啦。要叫爸爸妈妈带你去小便就好了。其实,他只是在半夜起1次身,小了便又继续睡到天亮。已经算是很不错了吧!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Night Time Potty Training for my son

I started to train my son not to wear diaper when he is 3 years old. During day time, I let him wear panty. Haha, is so funny to see him wear his panty for the first time.

Lat time, he use to pee on his panty and need to change all the time. He definitely will feel uncomfortable after pee on pants. Then I started to train him by asking him : "Do you want go to toilet ? Tell me when you feel you want to pee or poo". Keep on ask him and let him aware of that. It's quite fussy, right ? My baby sitter will do the same also.

At home, after meal or milk - normally after 1 hour, sure I will ask him: "toilet ?" ... sometime he will said "yes", then I quickly bring him to toilet and let him sit on the potty. Sometime he told me he want to go to toilet before I asked him. hehehe ...

Night time, I use to let him pee before going to sleep. I will told him like that - "now you are not wearing diaper, if you want go to toilet, call me or papa, ok ?".  After that, he will go to sleep. For the frst few days, we will wake him up and bring him to toilet, and he continue back to sleep after toilet. Then day after day, he will wake me up if he want go to toilet. So far, he has did a good job, and I really save a lot on his diapers. Only sometime may be he too tired, he will pee on his pants. Time to change his pants, and still not wearing diaper .... hahaha.

Praise to Lord, now he manage to sleep throughout the night without wearing diapers. And if he really want to go to toilet, he will wake me up ask for accompany to toilet. Normally he only wake up 1 time during midnight then go back to sleep again till sun rise.

This is the way I train my son not to depend on diaper, is quite tired but it's worth. No need to pressure the kid, in my opinion. Some kid may be able to start earlier but I think 3 years old still consider ok .... ^_^

Monday, January 10, 2011

Breast milk

I'm totally support breastfeeding ... but due to my working condition, I'm only manage breast-feed my baby for 2 months only. Is not a good excuse but sometimes is really depend on the situation.

I encourage my friends - especially to those 1st time mother - always breastfeed their baby as long as she can.  Actually breastfeed is not a difficult task, you shall feel happy when you breastfeed your baby.

During confinement, with the help of a lady (we called here confinement lady), who is helping doing all the housework and cooking. I manage to breastfeed my baby and having enough rest.  Confinement lady actually helps a lot during that period. In traditionally, mother cannot do many things during this period. A lady will come to help you to do housework. Of course, have to pay to the lady .... no FOC ...unless your own family member helps you.

Breast-milk, is good for baby.  It helps build up baby immune system by naturally. Some people said: "Breast-milk clear like water, baby will feel hungry more faster than formula milk". I have read through and study said is SAME. No matter you feed breast-milk or formula milk, there is no changes for the baby.  Baby need to be feed in every 2 to 3 hours according to their grow-up chart.

People said "baby will sleep longer if feed formula milk at night" ... Study said: "breast-milk or formula milk having the same affect also."  

I remember my baby boy drink around 4oz when he was 0 - 2 months old.  Yes, he drink breast milk that time. After my breast milk getting less, I have to change him to formula milk.  That time, still the same, every 3 hours drink around 4oz.

I fully breast feeding my baby during the confinement period, and I didn't mixed with formula milk. Sometimes, I still feel my breast full of "supply" but my baby is full. So, I pump it out and store at refrigerator. The breast milk can be stored in refrigerator up to 36 hours.  If you store inside the freezer,  it can last up to 3 months. But some study said it may last 3 to 5 days in refrigerator and up to 6 months in freezer. Never never refrigerator back unfinished milk. If my baby cannot finish the milk at that time, I will discard the milk. Study said you may keep the unfinished milk for 1 or 2 hours (in room temperature), just don't put it back into freezer. 

I will put a label and stick on the cup with day and time. That's easy for me to recognise which one I have to use first. I remember got one time my friends come to visit me during confinement day, she so surprise when she notice so many "pudding" inside my freezer. Hahaha .... that is my milk, not a pudding !!

During my 2nd time confinement, my son was having flu. I try to give him my breast milk and he fully recovered after drink my breast milk for 1 day (noted: he need to drink around 3 to 4 times of 8oz milk in a day). I use the one I store inside my refrigerator ... I try to breastfeed him but he feel "shy", hehehe.

Breastfeed baby may poo many times a day, have to change baby diapers quite often if compare to formula feed baby. But, my 2nd baby didn't poo for 5 days even fully breastfeed her. So, end up I bring her to pediatrician for check up. As I know, breastfeed baby poo more times than formula baby. She told me there are some babies may not poo for a week even though is fully breastfeed. It's depends on baby themselves, she said may be the digest system of my 2nd baby work a bit slow. As she checked, my baby bowel is normal and is not having hard stool inside. She suggested to let her poo now after she put a medicine and see if she feel hard to poo or not.

After medicine, my baby start crying and start pooing ... is not a hard stool and just like a cream typed. My pediatrician said her stool still consider normal. She teach me to massage her bowel everyday to help the  bowel movement more faster. She told me not to worry too much if I fully breastfeed my baby, but do come back if she continue the same. Praise to Lord, she is doing fine after that treatment.

You seldom see baby having breast milk seldom get sick, if their do, the recover time is more faster compare to non-breast milk baby. If you can supply breast milk to your baby till 1 year old that is much much much better. 

Even though everyone understand breast milk is the best for baby and every mother try to give as long as their can. But, I have to say its really depends on yourself. If the situation not allow, then you have to let go. Like me, not matter how strong that I want to give breast milk to my baby. But when back to work, I find it really hard and there is no room for me to pump out my milk. My friend joking with me: why not go to washroom and pump ? yiakkkss ... do u think is hygience ? pump in washroom - a public washroom ?? no way !! There is many real situation have to face, and end-up my breast milk getting less as I only breastfeed my baby during night time. I feel sorry to my baby but what I can do now is try to boost her immune system by giving them healthy food.

For new mother or every mother out there, I really encourage you to breastfeed your baby. ^_*

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Turn On baby sleeping mode ...

Most of my friend ask me, did your baby cry before going to sleep at night ? what time your baby sleep at night ? Did your baby waking up for milk during mid-night ??

Well, I have to say: Praise to Lord.  My both baby has been "trained" well ... hahaha.  I start to train them when they are about 6 months old.  Actually during pregnancy, I also make a habit to sleep earlier - I must go to sleep before 9:30pm.  That's good to let your baby in womb know that mommy is sleeping during this time.

When my baby turn to 6 months old, I started my "technique" to train them. Of course, with my husband to help me also. After a milk around 7pm or 7:30pm, I will let her wear pajama. Turn off the room light, only a weak light-bean got through from the door.  Tell her softly: "you are going to sleep now". Let her hold her small pillow, have her pacifier and cover he body with her blanket.  I will lay down beside her, touching her gently. Then slowly slowly, she will fall asleep.

But, sometimes it's just doesn't work so smooth ... she will wake up and look at me and want to play with me.  Especially when she notice her brother also in the room.  Then, it's time to "battle" with them.  I will ask co-operation from my son to stay quiet. If possible, lay down with me also. Once he laying down with me, plus the quite and comfort environment + dark room, mostly both will fall sleep easily .... same apply to me, hahaha. My husband even complained to me on that, when I wake up is around 10pm.  But in case my son don't want to sleep at that time, then I will ask my husband to bring him out.

So, in generally, my baby use to sleep around 8pm and wake up around 6:30am. My baby start to sleep throughout the night when she coming to 7 months old.  She didn't wake up and cry for milk, and that make me can have a good sleep also.  If you ask me how to train baby like that ? Honestly I don't know the actual answer. Because not every baby is the same, some may need milk every 4 hours, some may not. You cannot force your baby drink milk or you ignore to give just because you want to sleep... But I think soon or later, the baby will stop when he/she think "It's time" ........

In day time, baby also need to take a nap, a short nap everytime after feeding. The longest is 1 hour short nap, and she will wake up automatically.  After play a while, then she will need a nap again. Same apply to my boy last time, but my boy taking a long nap - more than 2 hours. hahahaha .... then I usually bring him to bed around 9pm. But now, my boy change his sleeping time to 10pm as he want to play with his toys. I have to adjust his sleeping time as he will be in school next year ... back to normal sleeping time.

May be I keep on repeating the same action on time, so my baby realised that she will going to sleep when I - after feeding and burp her, change her cloths to pajama, bring her into bedroom, turn off the light, tell her softly like "you are going to sleep now", gently touch her legs, let her hold her pillow or blanket and keep quiet. If she refuse to stay calm, I just pretend myself in "sleeping" mode. Then she will find "no point" for disturbing mommy. Slowly slowly, she will fell to sleep.

Just remember, don't play with her even though she keep on touching or disturbing you. She just try to get your attention and if we fall into her trap, then no way you can make her a good habit. Oh ya, old people told me, don't ever kiss a baby when they are going to sleep. I remember this kind of advice and I really don't kiss them whenever they are going to sleep. I just don't know how many of you believe this, but its' true. Baby fall to sleep much more easier and will not fussy.  I have ask some of my friends and most of their baby fussy and very difficult to bring to sleep. When I ask: "Did you use to kiss your baby everytime before sleep?" They said: "yes". So, try not to kiss your baby from now on, see got difference or not ? Then the result .. yes, better than last time. hey, sometimes really have to listen to old people also ..... hahaha. By the way, you still can kiss your baby everytime you want to ... it's all depends on you.