Friday, December 31, 2010



原本带着小孩去逛街,因为某些商品或一些事情,孩子开始耍起脾气来。你不可能每次都顺着他, 所以你偶尔会不答应小孩的要求。 这时,小孩就会开始耍赖,开始哭给你看,在严重的就是赖着地上不走。相信一定有看过这样的情形吧!

在某一些晚宴,你可能会看见一些小孩到处乱跑,爸爸妈妈在后面叫着他们回来吧?为什么他们不能够坐好好? 为什么吃饱了就要走开?你不给他走,他马上哭给你看,让你难堪。 10个小孩之中有那么1个小孩会呆在父母身边的,就算他很想下来跑跑,也只会在他父母座位的范围之内。。。有看过这样的小孩吗?

归根究底,其实是父母不够铁下心肠。我每次都会听到:“做父母的不回管教小孩” 这句话。。。而不是说:公公婆婆的错等。。。

我也是一个平凡母亲,很想把自己的小孩教导好。 所以,我会和一班朋友分享,纵而得知一些知识。曾经有一位朋友对我说,如果要小孩知道“哭不是万能”,你就要和你先生一起合作。 我自己也亲眼看到我这朋友的小孩,真的很惹人疼爱。

当小孩可以做的稳, 大约是9个月左右吧!你就要开始教导他了。每一次吃饱后,让他继续坐在他的椅子上。不需要说:“你可以离开了”。 你要让他明白,就算是他吃饱了,不代表他可以离开座位,到处走。。要看一看爸爸妈妈,他们还在吃,那就要守在他们的身旁。不要让他们担心。。

通常呢。。在这些时候,一定会有人自愿带小孩去“散散步”,这样子其实是不好的, 会给小孩一个不好的讯息:“看,我吃饱了就会有人带我去散步”。 久而久之,养成坏习惯。 每次小孩吃饱了,就会嚷着离开。爸爸妈妈不给,我就哭!那么,一定会有人带我走开。通常,老人家看到这情形,大多数会带小孩去“散散步”的。 所以,身为父母的就必须让老人家明白 - 为什么不应该带走他。 而不是我们不疼小孩或不让老人家疼,只是不想小孩被宠坏。

我的大儿子,有一次带他跑商场。他不知真么了,一定要去用左边的楼梯,眼前就有电梯他不要。我和他说了好几次,他硬着头皮,开始哭了起来。他甚至不让我牵他的手,坐在地上哭。好吧!我就让他哭,我也不要一味着安抚他。路人看到,都说:好可怜哦! 但是,有些父母看到了就好像没事那样,可能他们的孩子也试过这样子吧!我知道那一刻,会很尴尬。而且,也可能会影响别人。但是,你要是“认输”, 你就永远被孩子牵着鼻子走。

好啦!他哭到没趣了。走到我面前来,对着我说:“妈妈,对不起”。我看着他说到:“好了,不可以有下一次了”。 然后,就牵着他下去楼下。


我到现在还是很努力的去教导好我的小孩呢!! 也真的非常吃力哦!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Children Cry In Public

Hey hey ... feel shame and angry when your child cry in public ???  I think most of the parents had this experience ... me either.  Have you ever think is our problem or you just said is your children problem ??  hahaha .... actually is parents problem.

Have you ever see a children sitting quietly on his/her high chair, even though his/her parents still having their meal ? or mostly you will heard crying or shouting, right ??

I had a friend sharing her teaching technique to me:  When your baby know how to sit properly, then is a time to train him/her.

Long long time ago, I was having dinner with family (that time my son was around 1 year old).  He is playing his toys and all adults having dinner.  Suddenly, he feel bored and try to get attention from everyone by knocking the table.  Then, as a mother, I have to stop him.  First time, talked to him softly: "you cannot knocked the table, you have to behave".  The of course, I didn't expect he 100% understood what I'm trying to tell him.  Few times later, I use to warn him if he continue knocking, I'll take your toy away.

He cry when I "scolded" him, and his grand-pa & grand-ma saw it.  I understand they will feel why I'm so "serious" to a young baby ... I can notice from all their eyes are complaining me.  His uncle ... try to "save" him from me, he want to bring him a walk, but I refused.  Let him cry till he stop ... don't bring him away and don't keep on look at him or try to compliment him also.  I know is a hard time for me to explain, but I know what is good for my child.

Honestly, I can't 100% stop them by taking him a short walk after they are full.  So, young children will have a mind-set that "I will be carry by them to go everywhere once they finish eating" ... this kind of mind-set bring trouble to parents.  Whenever they finish eating, they start to cry, and don't want to sit. They simply want a walk .... if that time, parents still having their meal, children start crying or shouting for a "walk", then here come the "hero" save them - bring them a walk.  How about the "Hero" still eating ??  I tell you, no one will care for that, but ask you - as parents to bring him/her away.  Back to earlier, who is the person try to make this kind of bad habit to a child ??

How many time you attend a dinner and sure you will see a group of children running around there ??  Out of 10 children, 9 are running around and only 1 will sit with their parents ... am I right ??  "Aiya .... never mind la, let them have fun" .... you will heard this kind of sentences.

My friend told me, if you don't want your child become 1 of that group, try to guide them well.  Teach them whenever parents are eating, "you have to sit together with parents even though you had finish your meal.  Have some tip-bites or toys to spend your "extra" time while waiting your parents finish".

Whenever he/she cry for "help", try to comfort and explain to them the situation. "Mommy or Daddy still eating, you can't go anywhere without parents around you".  Some adult may bring them away and told you I will take care of him/her.  Honestly, who will 100% take care our children while they're also having fun with their friends ??  People will only said: Why don't listen to your parents ? in case, if there is any accident happened.  Am I right ??

When my son was 2 years old, and I brought him to a shopping complex.  I promised him to let him play a basketball game after we taking breakfast.  But he was so naughty and cry for game, he refuse to have his breakfast.  He keep on crying till everyone turn they head to our direction.  I explained to him, I will only let you go after meal. If you still want to cry, fine, go on to cry.  After I finish my breakfast, then straight away go home.  No more game for you this time.  I don't care how others look or think at me ... I also heard they said "so pity o".  Me and my husband pretend like nothing and continue our meal till finish.  As I said earlier, we go home straight away after meal.

My son finally know his crying technique didn't work for that, and from there, he don't dare to "challenge" me or my husband simply for his favourite.  Well, we will inform him where we will go and what to do before go out.  We promised will bring him to theme park if he is well behaved.  If not, just go home.

Let them cry for unreasonable request, don't keep on compliment them while they're crying.  They will thought you scare of them and will repeat the same next time, if you don't give what they want.  Children are very smart, they know how to "control" the adults.  If you ignore them, they will cry.  Yes, let them cry till they stop themselves.  I saw some parents out there actually doing the same to their children.  The children stop to cry when he notice his parents "ignore" him, he simply feel "no point" for crying.  Then he walked to his parents  there and played with them .... hahaha ... just like nothing happened.  Do you got this ??  You know how smart are they now ??  I believe if you keep on saying: don't cry, baby ... he will sure turn up his volume till he got what he want.

I, myself still on learning and applying this kind of teaching to my son.  Sometimes, he really doing a good job.  If we bring him to any function or dinner - if without any "hero", he will stay at his place along the night.  If got the "hero" then my son will go away.  But luckily, he know that "crying" is not work to me and his father.  He will only ask for permission before leaving.

So, don't bring your baby go whenever he/she start crying for nothing.  Try to comfort her.  I know is hard, especially when other people around you offer to bring her away.  But, is true, that is wrong.  You are making a bad habit to a baby.  Whenever he/she cry, someone will compliment them.  If not, turn up the volume, then sure they will get what their want.  Is this what you want from your children ??

Don't blame a young children like to cry when they didn't get what their want .... just think back, who let them got this kind of mind-set ??  As a parents, really need to guide them well.  You have to let your own family member know that "I'm on teaching my children, and it's not a punishment to my children"

Will you feel shame if your children cry in the public ??  You don't have to, as you are actually on teaching them - crying will not means for everything.  Me ... of course, keep on going to guide my children !!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sucking Thumb

hey ... my little girl coming to 9 months old.  She start sucking her thumb at 4 months old.... I try give her pacifier but she don't like it.  

I read many articles that most of expert prefer baby sucking thumb, the reason is baby is trying to comfort herself without your help.  Pacifier will drop off from mouth and, if sucking thumb, anywhere anytime can suck - will not drop-off.

Honestly, I really don't like my girl sucking her thumb.  I noticed her thumb nail become dulled and spoiled.  Many of friends ask me to stop her as really not good to her.  Her thumb will become "ugly" and always in wet.  The most important, is hygiene problem.  She start to crawl and touch here and there, you can't 100% guaranteed everything zero (0) dust .... My friend's sister daughter, now around 4 years old, still sucking her thumb.  Her daughter always having stomach ache problem and now she trying very hard to stop her.

I also have heard some suck until their shape of thumb become a bit strange.  Can you imagine, your nail almost 24 hours in wet, is it comfortable ?? how your nail look like ??  how your thumb look like ??  I don't think is cute but is dirty ..... so, no matter who ask me don't stop my girl sucking thumb, I will not care as she is my daughter.  I don't want my girl's thumb become "ugly" ......... I have to stop her before too serious ...

I trying to stop her, whenever I notice my baby want to put in her mouth, I will said : hey hey ... don't suck thumb... So funny is, she will slowly slowly pull out her thumb and smile to you.  When she want to sleep, I will offer her pacifier.  Then I let her wear mitten, so that she can't suck her thumb.  Day by day ... now she know I don't like her suck her thumb.  

This girl ... very naughty ... she try to cover her "action" with her blanket, hahaha ... funny.  I caught her few times and she will laugh to me when get caught.  I notice nowadays she seldom suck her thumb, she begin to accept her pacifier and I will only offer her when she want to sleep.  She seems not so interest sucking her thumb or pacifier while playing with her toys or when you cuddle her.  

I hope she can totally stop sucking her thumb by the later stage ...... pray for that  ^^

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My 2nd Time Pregnancy Part 2 (Final)

I got a baby girl this time ... I notice my self really got differences from my 1st time pregnancy of my boy.  My foot didn't swollen like "elephant" foot ... and have good appetite to eat from the beginning of pregnancy.  

My due date is on 27th, doctor said its may be early as she said my baby size quite big.  She scanned and said my womb got a lots of calcium ??? means will be early delivery. hahaha ... ok, I just wait for it.

But I didn't get any warning till on 29th morning.  It was a rainy morning, and very nice weather to sleep.  My son suddenly woke up and ask for milk.  Once I stood up, I feel like my discharge come out.  Oppss .... I quickly go to toilet then yes ... i saw blood. Oh my ... I'm going to deliver today.  I quickly wake my husband, and inform him: your baby girl want to get out today.  I asked him to make milk for my son, and I quickly go to take a bath and wash my hair.  Hahaha ... note: no pain at that time.

Then we send our son to baby sitter house, and inform her I will deliver soon.  She so surprised and wished me good luck.  Because I don't feel the contraction pain, so I take my time to have my breakfast at my brother's cafe. Rush hours ... hahaha.  After breakfast, I admit to hospital around 9am.  Once the nurse checked, my cervix actually had open a bit.

I started to feel contraction pain around 12pm, every 5 minutes once.  Huh ... from the last time experience, I'm able to "handle" the pain.  I born my baby girl after few hours, this time really more easy for me.  My husband told me: "my hand almost cracked while you holding it".  hahaha ... ya, actually I want to bite if can.  Like previous, my husband did the "cutting" ceremony.  And is time for me to rake a rest ....

Now, my girl is 9 months old ... is a very happy & naughty girl.  hahaha

My lovely boy & girl

My 2nd Time Pregnancy Part 1

My 1st pregnancy was on 2007, and I born a baby boy.

This year - 2010, I born a baby girl ... If you ask whether got differences between baby boy and baby girl during pregnancy ?  Yes, for me, there is some differences.

Well, I found myself being pregnant on August 2010.  From the 1st time experience, I make up my medical check-up appointment with my previous doctor - Dr.Felice Huang.

My morning sickness gone after 4 weeks pregnant, Praise to Lord.  Compare to last time, my morning sickness only gone after 12 weeks.  I like to eat mee-hoon and fish fillet and everyday must eat at least 1 piece of fish fillet.  But I can't drink milk this time ... my doctor ask me to take some calcium supplement as calcium is essential and very important for pregnant women.  So I go to buy at Pharmacy - Abbott brand, Calcium plus supplement.  I consult my doctor and she said I can take that, but if I can drink milk is better.

Come to 12 weeks, I started to feel dizzy when I smell the cooking oil.  I even feel like vomit when I smell onion, I totally don't like garlic, green-onion and cooking smell.  yiakksss ...... I have to stay away from kitchen.  In terms of food, it's seems like I'm not so choosy this time, I will only eat a bit if the taste not so good to me.  The balance of food ... hahaha ... go to my husband and my son.

I like white fungus boil with red dates, almost once in a week I drink this herbal tea.  In chinese tradition, white fungus with red dates good for skin and blood circulation.  I also drink Lo Hon Ka bird nest, same - yummy and is a type of nutrition food also.

I feel like more energetic this time, even though, I still maintain sleep before 10pm every night.  After playing with my son, then I bring him to bed around 9pm.  My tummy looks bigger compare to normal 12 weeks pregnant women, hehehe ... may be I take too much nutrition food ??

But during my review, my weight and baby growing chart always fine, and that makes me feel good and means still in control, no over or under weight problem.  

When come to 2nd stage, my doctor ask me whether I want to know the gender of baby ?  I told her, I'm actually not so concern about the gender, I will only pray for healthy baby, boy or girl still is my baby ... hahaha.  She smiled and said may be next review only can confirm to me.  

Praise to Lord, I can drink milk and I simply stop taking the calcium supplement tablet.  I cannot eat papaya and orange color thing ... same as last time, will got some "marking" beside my lips.  This symptom same like last time, hate it.  Cause people may think why this lady didn't wipe her mouth clearly ??  

My baby gender only reveal on 7th months review .........



Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pregnancy Part 3 (Final stage)

9th months ... My expected due date is on early December, but my doctor told me after 37 weeks baby can be deliver anytime.  Wow ... sound very excited but me started to feel nervous.  How to push ?? What should I do ??  I glad my doctor and nurse did teach and guide me since my first visit.

My friend ask me drink coconut fresh juice, the purpose is to reduce heat inside my womb.  But pregnant women only can drink fresh coconut after 9th months,  It's may cause miscarriage if drink too early.

Unbelievable, my weight up to 69kg ... my doctor told me as I got 166cm height, so still consider normal for me, no over-weight.  That's mean before I'm pregnant, I'm actually under the BMI.  hahaha

On 24th Nov night time, I go out dinner with my sister as my husband was attending his company annual dinner at Rasa Ria Resort.  As usual, after dinner they send me home.  I ask my brother come to accompany me as my husband not around.  Mid-night, I feel like going to toilet.  Once I stood up, oh my .. I'm leaking.  I quickly wake my brother, and told him I need to admit to hospital.  I called my husband, I told him I'm going to hospital because I'm leaking.  I ask him to drive carefully because baby will not come out so soon.

My brother still accompany me till my husband arrived.  Actually me was so nervous and excited too, as my baby will come out soon.  I'm praying for the smooth deliver and healthy baby.  I have to wait at least 10 hours for my cervix open till 10cm, but at that time, I don't feel any contraction at all.  So I still can have a rest till morning, but I simply cannot sleep well as too looking forward on it.

I stared my contraction pain around 10am, my husband was holding my hand and ask me to take a breath.  The nurse on and off come in to check how am I doing .... thanks to the nurse for being so nice and so understanding.  They cheer me up and ask me try to relax, don't think of the pain.  Yes, every mother need to over come the pain and give birth.

Contraction come every 5 minutes, my doctor coming to check on me and my baby ... she said: you doing a good job, try to relax, take a breath.  If really cannot stand the pain, just take the injection to cease the pain.  Of cause, it's still pain but will make you feel a bit better.  My husband look at me "Wanna take it ? Just take it if you need, don't worry " ... Yes, I want !  At least, it's help me feel better for a while ......

I was in labor room and my contraction pain come every 2 minutes ... but at that time, I don't think is every 2 minutes, is every 1 minute the contraction come.  So in pain ...... my husband accompany me to the labor room.  He was holding my hand still, and keep on encourage me.  The moments come, the doctor and the nurses all encourage me to push .... wow ... they counting for me: 1,2,3, ok ...pushhhhhh ... see, I saw baby's head, keep pushing ... Rita ... push.  Baby is coming out .... ok ok ... I get it.  No need to push now, congratulation Rita, your baby boy is here ... And, my husband did the "cutting" ceremony.

The next thing I heard is my baby crying ... sound like "I'm here" .... I touch my baby's hand, a tiny little hands,  so soft ... welcome to the world, my baby !! My pain automatically disappear, and the next minutes I only feel very very sleepy.

My doctor hold my hands and congrats, she said: well done, girl. You really a brave girl. Now, take a rest.  We will done the rest for you, don't worry.  Ya, I need a rest ....

Then the nurse bring me out from labor room, I saw my husband, my mother, my sister and my brother - all waiting outside.  I saw my mother's face. and at that moment I realised how my mother gave born of me.  I remember my mom said to me: now you are a mother of your baby.  My husband said: thank you.  They all said my baby's skin so fair and got many hairs ... hahaha

Finally, I gone through the all the stages and born a healthy baby boy.  Now he is 3 years old, and is a happy little boy.  :)

Pregnancy Part 2

Coming to 2nd Stage ... my tummy getting bigger and still sleep around 8pm.  My friend had recommended me to listen some soft music and get some free time to read some books.  I did that everyday, or even start to talk with my baby (i think is too early for that, haha).  My weight also gain so fast - from 50kg to 55kg, it's only take 5 months, 1 month gain 1kg ... huh.

I start to drink avocado milk juice as my friend told me is help to boost breast milk.  This really helps me a lot, I really got plenty of breast milk after give birth.

On the 6th month, I apply the cocoa-butter cream to avoid scratch-mark. Funny was I feel itchy after I apply that few days later.  Then I thought the itchiness is due to my tummy has become bigger, and I keep on applying the cream.  1 week later, I found my tummy got so many red dot and extremely itchy.  I can't sleep during night time till I cry on it.  My doctor said may be because my skin allergy to cocoa-butter cream and ask me stop applying it.  To stop the itchiness, I applied "vicks", baby oil, hot water, cool water ... but still can't help.  My doctor gave a aqua cream to apply on it, it is a non-medicated cream.  After 1week, my redness dot and itchiness slowly disappear.  Oh my, this was the hardest time for me to fight with the "itchiness".  It's telling me that not everyone suitable with the cocoa-butter cream.

Come to final stage ... my foots swollen when go into 8th months.  My shoes size from 6 change to 8, almost same like my husband.  My foot just like elephant foot ... sad ... I only buy 1 sandal to wear that time because is kinda waste of money to buy many shoes with the big foot, as I believe my shoe size will be back to normal later.

My movement become slow and walk style like a penguin, hahaha.  Me consider quite ok as I don't wake up at mid-night to toilet.  Before sleep, i go to toilet then till I wake up around 5am.  But during this final stage, I almost every midnight will wake up and eat 1 piece of cracker. That's why I put a container on my site table, easy for me to reach my food.  After eating and drink some water, I'll go back to sleep again.

My weight fly up to 60kg as I have good appetite to eat.  I randomly drink "bird nest" ... yummy, cause it's said good for baby and mother.  I go to buy Lo Hon Ka instant eat bird nest, and everyday eat 1 table spoon.  
Beside that, I almost everyday drink chicken herbal soup and "sup tulang" (cow bones soup).

People said Sup Tulang is good for building calcium, its taste - yummy !! :p

To be continue .....


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pregnancy Part 1

My 1st pregnancy did not come as easy as other people, caused I've try to conceive for 6 months but only successful on early 2007.  Before pregnancy, I've consult with my doctor and everything is normal.  Then the doctor recommend me to take Folic Asid for 2 months.  What is folic asid ? she said is a vitamin that helps me to conceive.  She said even taking folic asid, does not means you get conceived immediately.  The most important is relax, don't pressure myself too much .... well, i 100% agree !

To make myself free from mentally & physically pressure, I went to holiday with my hubby.  There, I was totally forgot about pregnancy thing but just enjoyed playing around. From a roller-coaster to high jump ... I was totally in fun mode ... hahaha.

Back from holiday, I found myself being pregnant.  Wow,  I was actually conceived (for few days) while enjoying my crazy holiday.  Gosh... I still playing roller-coaster cause I didn't realized of it.

Huh... my hard times is coming.  I started vomit and don't have appetite to eat. Get tired easily, Most the time, I went to bed around 8pm.  May be I'm just too anxious, or too careful.  I discovered myself got a bit discharge and was in nervous - what's happen to my baby ? I called my husband right away then go to see doctor.  Then doctor said may be I'm lack of rest, and need me to take medicine - Duphaston, for 1 week.
Duphaston is to keep the baby stable and healthy.  I was so worried and keep on praying on that.

I begin to write down what have I ate everyday.  So poor, I don't have appetite to eat and I only want to eat Kui Tiao goreng ... but only a bit.  I remember my husband angry with me as I only think of Kui Tiao goreng - not a nutrition food.

To avoid keep on vomit, I try to drink lemon water.  Why lemon water? because I can't drink any juice or soya.  I totally feel "full" when saw it, hahaha.

In the early stage - 1 - 3 months, so called critical months.  Have to be extra careful as baby not so stable yet, and heard some people said : you only can inform everyone about pregnancy after 3 months.  As some old folks believed only informed after 3 months to avoid miscarriage.

I start to read some books regarding pregnancy and asked my mother.  I always cut out the newspaper articles regarding the same topic also.  Find out there are some common things that a pregnant-mom should take note - don't carry heavy things, have a good rest, always in happy mode etc....

I went to routine check-up at clinic Dr. Felice Huang.   Feel very excited when she do the scanning, as I saw my baby is moving.  It was a amazing experience for me as a 1st time mom-to-be, and I received quite a lots of info from my doctor.

I drink 2 glasses of milk a day, should said praise to Lord cause I like to drink milk.  Before pregnant, I don't like milk at all.  I take multi vitamin recommended by my doctor and no others vitamin beside that.  My brother in law cook nutrition soup for me to drink, my mother also supply me with a fresh chicken to cook with.

My morning sickness gone when go into 3rd month.  I start can take more food compare to last time, but still limited the type of meal.  I like to eat vegetables and fish very much, and slowly slowly I'm able to drink soya.  People said drink soya good to baby skin.  Don't how true is that la ...

I eat fruits everyday, especially papaya and guava.  Don't know why I suddenly like this 2 fruits very much.  But later I found the left and right side of my lips turn to orange colour.  Just look like you didn't clean your mouth after eat, so obvious !  Then I consult with my doctor, she suggest me to stop taking papaya or something with the orange colour food.  Strange .... the colour fade after some times and she said may be is my hormone change.  

To be continue ..........

Thursday, December 9, 2010

LactoGG, AeroChamber Plus

Remember long long time ago, my son was suffer from flu and cough.  I was so sad to see him consume so many medicines but still cannot fully recovered.  I scared he will get asthma by the later stage.  So, I decided to take him to see the pediatrician at Damai area - Dr. Chan.

I informed Dr. Chan in detail how long / how is the sound of cough / what kind of medicines he has taken so far.  She was so in detail and introduced me using the AeroChamber Plus.  As she mentioned, using that will be less side effects and faster way to cure.  The most important is no need to take any cough medicine   Though, the cost of AeroChamber Plus is very expensive, I think is around RM90.00++, but is life time used.

LactoGG is a Probiotic and is a supplement to boost his body immune system.  As we aware taking antibiotic means to kill off all good and bad bacterias inside our body system.  LactoGG is to build back the good bacterias.  One day only one capsule and can be taken for long time.  LactoGG cannot be taken right after you took antibiotic, cause it will kill off the good bacteria.  Take it after few hours from antibiotic, at least 3 - 4 hours.

My son was fully recovered after 1 weeks taken the medicines.  I bought LactoGG from clinic again, the cost is RM4.00 per capsule, and 1 pack contains 30 capsules is RM120.00.  The nurse told me if I buy 50 capsule then is only RM170.00, got discount....

My son will go to school next year, and to prevent he get sick easily, I started to give him the LactoGG occasionally and hope can boost his immune system from now on.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teething ~ Part 2

My girl is starting teething for upper gum at 8 months old.  I have read some articles that some babies having trouble or so called fussy compare with teething at lower gum.  Her upper gum is swollen and may be in pain, as she is reducing her milk from normal 5oz to 3oz.  She poo more than 2 times a day, but luckily she still like to consume plain water to avoid dehydrate.

I found my girl will be in bad mood occasionally and don't like to be disturbed by "stranger".  I try to give her something to bite but its seems like she much more prefer sucking her thumb all the time.  Then I give her a pacifier which I've stored in freezer, and I found her like the cold pacifier and start chewing it.

My baby sitter said use some herbal tea to wash her mouth 3 times a day, especially massage to her gum.  She able to drink more milk after wash with herbal tea as it helps reduce heat in her mouth.  Then I try to use the mouth wash (Pure Glycerine) to sooth her, and its work too. Just pour a bit mouth wash on your clean handkerchief and mix with some warm water then massage to the gum.

Teething really need a lot of passion.  Sometimes I really can't finish my works as she wants to be cuddle all the times.  And, sometimes really get frustrated easily.  I bought her teething rusks and teether to chew with.

I think all this will be ended as soon as her upper teeth come out from her gum.... huh.......

Baby Teether

Sunday, December 5, 2010

1st Teething

My baby having her 1st teething when she come to 7th months old.  In another words : a "nightmare" begins.....

At first, I noticed she poo poo 2 or 3 times a day.  Then when I wash her mouth (I do it everyday), then I also notice her lower gum become a bit swollen.  Few days later, her let her wear bib due to "overflow" of saliva. Luckily she still consume milk as normal.

At that time, I'm really tired because she wants to be cuddle all the time.  If you left her inside her baby-coth, she will start crying.  She refuse to play with anyone or her toys till u cuddle her then you will see she smile to you.  What a naughty girl .........

I'm giving her the fever medicine as i noticed she is heat,  I also giving her plenty of water to reduce her body heat.  I know she is very uncomfortable and what I can do is try my best to comfort her.

Finally, her 1st teeth came out and is just like a sunshine to me.  huh.... me also can have a good rest.

Friday, December 3, 2010

鼻子清洁器 Nose Cleaner

小宝贝伤风了。。开始流鼻涕。 要每次帮他清理鼻涕,不让他做鼻涕虫。


医生建议我去买那些专为儿童清理鼻涕的用具。当然, 小孩也不会乖乖听话的。也得费牛马之力来抱紧他。我买了2种不同的理鼻涕的用具, 都是 Pigeon 牌子的;1个是用嘴巴吸的,另1个是用手指压的。

用嘴巴吸那个有一点麻烦吧!它有1条喉,连接两边吸口。一边对这鼻孔,一边放进口里。 用力吸,那鼻涕会流去拿瓶子里面的。不过,吸嚼的声音往往会害怕的。再加上是对着他的鼻孔,不怕就假啦!

另外一个是用手按的。我只要把那对口放进他的鼻孔里,一放手就可以吸出那鼻涕哦!不过,用这个呢,要小心的啦!不要倒转来用, 一不小心会把空气打进鼻子里面去的。所以,手指先压着那塑胶瓶,压着不要放,对准鼻孔,然后把手指轻轻放开,就可以把鼻涕吸出来的哦!记得,先压着,然后对准鼻孔,手指轻轻放开就可以了。压着是把里面的空气挤空,当你放开手指,外面的空气就会跑进去。相对的,鼻涕就会被吸进去啦!

Nose Cleaner Tube Type

Nose Cleaner

Baby will feel uncomfortable when their nose congested.  They even can't sleep well and you may heard their snoring because of that, especially when they are flu.  Baby may not know how to clean their mucus, so my pediatrician  had introduced me 2 types of Nose Cleaner.

One is nose cleaner tube type; and another one is use to press.  A first, I bought the Tube type but I found my baby was not comfort with the "sucking" sound.  When she saw I'm going to put near her nose, she already screaming for HELP ... haha.  So, I only able to do while she is sleeping.

The 2nd type - by pressing one. But this type need to be careful while using, you have to compress first before placing the soft nozzle into baby's nostril.  Never Never compress rubber pump while the soft nozzle is insert into baby nose. You have to compress BEFORE inserting ... remember !

Erm... when my baby saw me come with the nose cleaner, she already try to escape from me.  A battle begins ....... I think most of the babies don't like their nose being touch, may b ???